I saw the following in Haaretz this morning. It is so painful to see my religion, the symbol of my people, used for such an act of bigotry and hatred. I pray that Jewish leaders will have the strength to be loud voices of Torah, condemning such hateful and dangerous acts and reaching out to protect and honor their non-Jewish neighbors with love and solidarity. I pray that the vicitms of these hate acts will have the strength and vision and faith in Hashem/Allah to transcend these acts, to defeat this hate by not allowing it to contaminate their worship and their lives.
It's chanukkah. Baanu choshech legaresh. We have come to chase off this darkness
Extremists spray-painted "Mohammed's a pig" and "Death to Arabs" early Sunday on the walls and doors of the Sea Mosque in Jaffa, sparking the fury of the Islamic Movement in the mixed Arab-Jewish city.
The hate slogans also included "Kahane was right," a reference to the slain Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the outlawed anti-Arab Kach movement, and "No peace without the House of Peace," alluding to the Hebron structure from which dozens of far-right activists were evicted earlier this month.
Two Stars of David were painted on the entrance to the mosque.
Worshippers discovered the graffiti when they arrived for early morning prayers on Sunday.
When I light the candle on the fourth night, it will be with the intention that this light overwhelm their darkness, a darkness that proclaims all the humane values of Judaism that I hold dear a lie.
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